T H E A R T P A R T Y 

a b o u t !    ~    a r t !    ~    i s s u e s !    ~    p r o p a g a n d a !    ~    j o i n !    ~    e v e n t s !    ~    c o n t a c t !

WELCOME to the official home of the Art Party on the internets! We are so very pleased that you have found us. Please visit our subsections and learn who we are and what we stand for. Learn about the issues we are passionate about! And, most importantly, view some art! If everything you see pleases you, join us! We would love to have a sweetheart like you amongst us. It may be the most unobjectionable decision that you make today.

Please help yourself to the following fabulous sections:

a b o u t : who, what, where, why, when, how many? learn about the history and future of the Art Party.

a r t : view, read, and hear various art forms. our essence.

i s s u e s : politics, politics, politics. learn what we stand for! you'll agree.

p r o p a g a n d a : also known in some circles as "PR." good stuff.

j o i n : we'd love to have you!

e v e n t s : see what the near future holds for the party.

c o n t a c t : use this if you're really confused.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

art party fast facts.
hello! i thought you might should be interested in some fast facts about the art party.

1. the art party now has over 130 members from around the world! the exact number is unknown! ooooh!

2. here is a convenient population break-down of the members within the u~nited states.

(click to map embiggen)

the most densely populated areas are: new orleans / baton rouge (la), memphis (tn), new york (ny), austin (tx), and seattle (wa). hey, cool.

its no wonder this place is busy as a beehive lately! :)
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