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Saturday, August 25, 2007


Porcelina of the Oceans.

I be-wigged her and painted her, then took her photos. Isn't she lovely. From a few years ago.

i'm always impressed by good makeup work like this... i know a girl at school who is ever so absorbed with that sort of thing and never stops painting people's faces.

i'd like to see the full extent of your makeupping. because i know you're great with subleties, pretties, and a bit more of the theatrical.

it must be great and help to work with a person who is beautiful already though.

i think it's really cool you're submitting work like this because it's important, at least in my eyes, to have a broad base of art. i do a lot of stuff and i think i'm pretty weak at it, but you're truly a renaissance lady. and i just admire so people who just give themselves to art. it's amazing.
well, art is my life and probably more important to my health than breathing. i'm glad someone is interested in my makeup art, because i'll tell you: there is no canvas more perfect than the human face.
i get alot out of doing people's makeup, but if i started talking about all the subtleties i could write a paper..... maybe i should.
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