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Wednesday, November 29, 2006


i could sleep forever

a roughish recording.



This is so beautiful. Your voice, bears, everything.
oh, lovelovelove, katherine. i adore your melodies. i so wish i were able to craft anything like them.

this is wonderful. the little instrumental part was like a dream.

i actually had to comment twice to show how much i enjoyed this.
this is great. i like it alot.
you emailed this to me, and i already told you that i listened to it 5 times in a row. i love all of this. lyrics are good!
ANy song that mentions bears is good, but is it in vain that I wish this could be on the next scandaliz vandlistz ablum?
"The next Scandaliz Vandalistz album." Just say that. It feels so good.
this song is so delicate and pretty. i really adore it.
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