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Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Desert Spring

Photos from Phoenix, Arizona. May 2005.

The view from Taliesin West--Frank Lloyd Wright's house.

The pool

Pretty medallion.

Sculptures set into a niche in the wall. I have no clue what they are. But they're waving at you.

Buildings are dwarfed by the mountains and sky.

More sculpture.

Who the hell plants a lawn in the desert?

The lush greenery makes a striking contrast with the stone and sand.

The desert is beautiful when the cacti bloom.

The moat/fountain/stream...um, thing.

wonderful, miss sharkey! what wonderful and vivid worlds. were they as picturesque in person as they appear in photo? i wish i could see the west. i've never been

please post more arts. we're scrambling to make you a welcome kit.
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